This is a preview of the redesign!

Click here to return to the old homepage, if you want to for some reason.


This is my horrible website. I really just post whatever I want here. Mostly I update the blog, which I have been since March 2022. As you can probably tell from the design of this site, I'm a huge fan of old software and hardware, mostly from the late 90s and early 2010s (not a typo, I skipped the 2000s, deal with it elemayo).

If you want to use the old sitemap to get around this place, you still can.

For an archive of the third version of my site, download this zip. Most CSS will be broken, since I used relative links. Have fun trying to fix it yourself.

For an archive of the second version of my site (which has the first version included in it anyway), download this zip. It will also probably have broken CSS.

Oh, and one last thing:

Trans rights.

If you don't agree with that, then get out of my website. Thanks!